Grants and Aid Research


• Have you ever lost time unnecessarily in seeking grants ?
• What were the consequences ?
• Has a grant ever been denied to you due to a lack of a solid application file ?
• How many hours did you devote to this unsuccessful request ?
• Are you aware that you have lost far more than time ?
• Are you aware of the latest grants to which you are entitled ?
• Do you easily find the information that allow you to claim these aids ?
• Do you have control over the set-up of a case management request or grant application ?


Our solution

A good line of questioning is the basis of any solution.
Our solution is divided into several stages :

1. Twice the expertise at your service
2. Personalized monitoring of legislation
3. A study of your eligibility for grants and subsidies
4. The setting up your application files
5. The defense of your case before the ‘deciders’
6. Direct negotiation with funders and organizations
7. Your dedicated interlocutor informs you about the evolution of legislation over time

The benefits of André & Associés 

With our GRANTS AND AID RESEARCH assistance, you optimize your access to grants and subsidies.

Your accountant is always on the lookout and will inform you of the creation of new aid projects.

No more time wasted in searches, you avoid procedural errors and meticulous searches in incomplete texts.






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